Friday, 27 May 2011

Time to confess!

Yes my name is Lynn and I am a magazine addict!  I just love them.  The ones above are some of my recent purchases in the craft genre but they don't have to be craft related.  I love fashion, gossip, home decor even health and fitness!  In fact I could happily waste a whole morning in WH Smiths, browsing their shelves.  So why? What is the appeal?  With the craft ones, the inspiration they provide is an obvious draw but to me it is more than that.  I love their glossiness, and clever layout.  I love that you can pick them up, with a cup of tea in one hand and no matter whether you have 5 or 55 minutes you can find something to read, something to grab your interest.  If I look back I think my love affair may have started with Twinkle (remember?) when I was little and it has continued.  However it really became an addiction once I had children.  In the baby years book devouring was not possible, as the moment I started to read, tiredness usually took over and baby brain meant keeping hold of the plot was difficult.  However a magazine was just enough to feed my need for words! 

Whilst I'm seem to be an expert in buying them, I'm not much good at taking full advantage of the ideas and inspiration they provide me. When I'm them reading my head is full of potential projects but then they get forgotten almost as soon as the magazine is put down.  So this little lot are coming on holiday with me next week, along with a notebook to jot down all my ideas.  I want to return from holiday refreshed and full of future craftiness!  Well that's the idea - I'll let you know how I get on at a later date.


Sian said...

Me too! Me too! And I'm pretty sure my addiction started with Twinkle too. Aah, those were the days.

I love any kind of magazine, though I found since I started reading blogs at lunchtimes, my mag reading has been curtailed a bit. You are right, though. There is nothing like a new magazine, full of glossy promise.

Gem's Crafts said...

I'm just like you!!! I love magazines, and currently have Ideal Home on subscription (did have Scrapbook Inspirations until it went) - oh and I hoard them too!

Jo said...

I'm the same and I love a magazine.

Alison said...

I'd forgotten about 'Twinkle'! Magazines are really expensive here, so I very rarely buy them...but I indulge when I'm in the UK-and love it when visitors arrive with some!
Alison xx

Sandra said...

You and me both :) .. and oohhh how I used to love my twinkle.

I will admit, like you - I can't get enough of magazines, I buy lots of craft ones (all the ones you've photographed LOL), house ones, fashion ones, gossip ones, cookery ones, and even diet ones. Even today .... "boat buyer" ... do we have a boat, err no ... are we buying one ... errrr no! .. but let hubby dream LOL

Ginger said...

You know, I used to have quite an addiction to magazines but that has completely fallen short since I spend so much time on the computer and iPad and ffind lots of inspiration online. I look forward to seeing what your ideas are :)


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